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January 12, 2012

You Hav e On e Week

That's right, seve n days, to tell m e who you are b efore I catch you off gaurd, haul you som eplac e disc r e et, an d gut you like a fish.  I thought I m ade it c lear that I didn 't wan t tab s kept o n me, I was sure I m ade it ov b ious that I did n ot wan t to b e ob serv ed without m y kn owledge, an d I kn ow I made it perfec tly well-kn own that I am n ot ab ov e killin g people who don 't ob serv e those sim ple rules.  You thin k I didn 't n otic e you were a prox y the sec on d you en tered the room ?  An d then you had the n erv e to sit down direc tly in fron t of m e?  It's takin g phen om on al effort for m e to fin ish this post, when I would m uc h rather hun t you down right n ow.  B ut for the sake of c iv ility, I'll hold off for n ow, after all, if you kn ow who I am, then you kn ow ab out this b log.  An d if you don 't kn ow who I am, you're ab out to fin d out.  Rem em b er, sev en days, if you haven 't given me a reason to let you liv e b y then, you won 't get the c han c e.

See you aroun d


  1. Fascinating.

    I'm ridiculously and foolishly curious to know what you look like when you're acting in this manner. I almost envy the person who's about to find out the hard way... Almost.

  2. I want to watch. I'm definitely a voyeur when it comes to these types of things.

    Do me a favor and keep us up to date? ^.^

  3. This is pretty worrying. Everything okay?

  4. Alright, I'm o.k., just a migrain, now. Still, of course this would happen now, I was in such a good mood and then this happens. I'm trying to figure this out without killing anyone, but the stupid Slender Man won't talk to me right now. Still, that wasn't an idle threat, even if I was a bit unbalanced when it went up.

    Gargoyle... no, you don't, trust me on this.

    I'll think about it, Tide, but this blog isn't for my personal stabbing adventures, so no promises.

    Thank you for being the only one that didn't seem to get off on my most recent delemia, Aura. I'm fine, now.

    See you around

  5. -facepalms-

    Of course I care if you're alright.

    I just don't mind watching your destruction, if that's what makes you happy.

    1. You "just don't mind watching my destruction,"? I'm sure there was a better way to phrase that, but I believe I know what you're saying. Yes fine, I'll put up the post about whatever happens, assuming I come out on top, of course, heh.

      You know this reply feature is nice for responding to comments, but it makes it harder to follow conversations without leaving my inbox.

      See you around

    2. I'm not the most tactful girl in the world. I'm sorry, dear, I was very tired at the time and wasn't speaking clearly. I'm sorry for making this harder on you. ><

  6. Sorry, part of me was trying to make light of a difficult situation. The other part was being an idiot. Both parts wish you well in any event.

    1. It's fine, I just have a headache and I'm a bit on edge. Sorry for snapping and all that, I know you were mostly joking.

      See you around

  7. Couldn't this have been a coincidence or misunderstanding?

    If you see that proxy again, maybe you could try talking to them first? Be on guard of course just in case things get ugly but it may be a good way to get some answers.

    Good luck Om. I hope you'll be alright.

    1. A misunderstanding, perheapes, but a coincidence, not a chance, the timing and placement was just too perfect for that.

      Of course I'm not going to kill him before I find out what's going on, but if he makes me go to him first then he's going to need a very good reason for me to restrain myself when we're finished talking.

      Thanks for the support.

      See you around

    2. You're welcome dear... Though I must admit it's somewhat amusing to me that I, the murderous proxy, was the first to suggest talking as opposed to just gleefully awaiting the violence.
      Ah people are so interesting

    3. ....Wolfie. -.- Sweetheart. I hate it when you're right.

    4. The irony had struck me, yes. But for the record, I'll never be one of those "shoot first ask questions later" people. The potential value of information is more than enough to keep any bloodthirstyness in check for the time being. Of course if I can't learn anything he's useless either way, so here's hoping he talks.

      See you around

  8. So.. if he doesnt answer, how are you going to kill him?

    1. If I have a good enough reason to kill him, he won't suffer, I'll just slit his throat. Or maybe I'll shoot him in the head, I still have six bullets in that gun. Of course if he just comes to me I'll have no excuse to kill him, so that's the smart course of action.

      Any particular reason you want to know, "Anonymous"?

      See you aruond

  9. Have you given any thought to the possibility that the proxy does indeed read your blog?

    1. That's exactly what I'm counting on with this post. I want him to answer, (at least, part of me does) and this is my way of sending a messege to him. You didn't think I put this up just to show how crappy my spacing gets when I'm less balanced, did you.

      And of course, I'm still eyeing that Anonymous comment, you know if you admit it's you we can work from there.

      See you around

  10. I'm not your proxy, I just.. I just wanted to know if he would suffer.

  11. I vote you walk up to the proxy and just ask him what the hell's going on. Killing the guy because he sat in front of you in class seems a bit.. excessive.

    1. I have an arrangment, this was a violation of that arrangement. And besides, everyone has something that sets them off, mine is people trying to spy on me. Besides, I'm still going to ask him whats going on, I'm just going to do it after he wakes up somewhere where there won't be any witnesses in case I don't like the answer.

      See you around

    2. I think you'll like the answer no matter what's happened. My opinion, and all.

  12. You are worrying me, my friend. Maybe I'm overstepping my bounds, but.. are you alright? Feel free to answer privately, but, I don't know.. maybe I didn't know you as well as I thought. Maybe this is just one of your triggers..

    Fuck, I'm getting all sentimental and shit. Gotta lay off the sugar in the late nights, I suppose.

  13. The recent post Caged made on his side of these blogs gives more worrying thoughts too.

    It seems this really is a severe issue for you. Be careful.

    1. I hate it when he posts before I'm ready. Still, can't be helped, I have a post in the works now, I'm trying to finish it between classes.

      See you around

    2. Looks like it's time for another email, huh?
